Monday 20 June 2011

Dating Tips For Teens That Actually Work Sexy

Since going out on dates is a brand new experience for teens, it makes perfect sense for them to feel stressed out about it. Having no clue what to expect is totally normal, but taking a little time to learn some dating tips for teens will make the whole thing much easier for you. Try not to believe everything you learn from a dating magazine or watch in a movie, because they will point you in the wrong direction. Believe it or not, going fast isn't always the smartest choice in the dating world. The dating tips for teens explained in this article will give you a nice, smooth start in the dating game.
Don't Listen To The Media
Number one on my list of dating tips for teens is for you to forget everything you've learned from movies or read in teen magazines. You might think you already know how to handle any dating situation, just because you've seen movies and read magazines about dating. There's nothing wrong with having this kind of reaction, but you have to understand that movies and magazines are created to make money off of you. The people in charge of media advertising take advantage of teenagers like you because they know you'll probably be willing to pay so you can learn new stuff about dating and relationships. You'll never see the media reveal the truth about how teens should act when they first start dating.
Tips For Guys and Girls
Both the guy and the girl are responsible for making sure a date goes well. Let's start by talking about some tips for guys to use, and then wrap up this section with a few things girls should keep in mind. When they go to pick up their date, guys should always get out of the car and go up to the front door. Introducing yourself to her parents and asking if she has a curfew are a couple polite and respectful things you should be sure to do. If her parents have a set curfew for her, make sure to bring her back on time. Bringing her home earlier than instructed is a great way to earn a few extra brownie points from her parents early on.
Now let's move into the tips for girls. Don't stay out really late if your parents have set up a curfew for you to follow. Before asking for permission to stay out longer, wait a few dates so the guy has an opportunity to make a good impression with your parents. Our next section will discuss how you should handle those next few dates.
Take Your Time
You might label this one as a cliche, but I chose to put it in this dating tips for teens list anyway. It is much better to take your sweet time instead of rushing right into sex. There is a good reason your parents repeat this to you over and over again. Sex just makes everything more complicated. It's better for you in the long run if you can learn to resist that strong physical attraction you feel in the beginning. It's almost impossible to find something to talk about after having sex too soon with a person you barely know.
To Conclude...
The dating experience doesn't have to be a stressful experience for teens. The dating tips for teens I've outlined above can make dating a fun and interesting experience for you. Instead of getting anxious and not knowing what to do, you will look forward to going on dates. Don't forget what I said about ignoring what you read or see in dating magazines and dating movies. Another thing you have to remember is that both the guy and the girl are responsible for having an enjoyable date. Lastly, remember that if you want to avoid a truly awkward situation down the road, fight off your initial urge to have sex early on.
To all you teenage guys out there that want to get an awesome start in the dating world: Stop by Dating Tips For Teens [] to check out a dating guide for men that was written by a woman.
I took the time to review over ten dating guides to figure out which ones live up to their claims. Stop by Compare Dating Guides [] to find out which products earned a spot in my top five, and which one got the overall highest rating.